Shoulder Pain
Care through chiropractic
Among the most common conditions involved in shoulder and arm pain are tendonitis, bursitis, arthritis, radiculitis (pain going from your neck to the shoulder), and muscular weakness. Even ailments in other parts of the body such as peritonitis (inflammation of the lining of the abdominal cavity), gall bladder trouble, or even a heart condition, may refer pain to shoulders and arms. Dr. Cady is well aware of these and other related possibilities and will look for the underlying causes.
Many persons complaining of shoulder and arm pain have a condition called bursitis, arising from the bursa-another name for the synovival pouch which lubricates and protects the shoulder joint.
Many times, the first evidence of pending shoulder and arm problems is the presence of pain in the neck region, followed by the first onset of pain in the shoulder and arm during some simple activity such as putting on a coat or combing the hair. Dr. Cady can detect and treat shoulder problems to get you out of pain quickly.
Precise movements:
The shoulders and arms are usually involved in even the most routine movements. In making a living, or in playing, man uses his shoulders and arms for more practical uses than any other portion of his body. In fact, the movement of the shoulders is as ceaseless as breathing, for it is impossible to breathe without continuous slight motion in the shoulder socket joint which meets the upper arm.
The versatility of your upper limbs is due to a series of splendid joints in the shoulders, elbows, wrists, and fingers which allow twists, turns, and bends from the shoulders to the fingertips. The shoulder girdle has the greatest range of mobility of all the joints of the body, and has a tendency to become injured easily.
If your shoulder joint is normal, you can make a complete circle at the shoulder with your arm as well as an infinite variety of other complex manipulations. This freedom of movement is a major difference between the actions of man and four-legged animals. It has given man the ability to reach out and grasp whatever he needs.
Misaligned vertebrae and disc problems complicate shoulder pain:
Shoulder and arm pain can have a number of contributing causes, but a large percentage of cases are from misalignment of one or more spinal segments (vertebrae and the discs between them), due to injury to the spine curvatures, occupational stresses, or even improper posture. This then results in a pinched nerve which then causes radiating pain to the shoulder and arm. Any of these problems may cause impingement and irritation of the nerves supplying the shoulder, arm, and hand.
Pressure and irritation caused by misalignments, or faculty discs, result in inflammation of the nerve root and can cause pain which varies from a deep, aching pain to a sharp, stabbing pain felt in the shoulder and arm complex.
Any sudden appearance of this type of pain indicates the need for a spine and nerve specialist at once. Thousands of patients who overlooked chiropractic care finally found relief from a Doctor of Chiropractic.
Even slight shoulder or arm pain can indicate a more serious problem:
The degree of pain may vary from slight and intermittent to excruciation. But don’t be fooled by the degree of pain; sometimes a slight pain goes along with a serious condition while intense pain may be a symptom of nothing more than a temporary muscle spasm caused by a weekend of usual activity.
Call us today at 408-739-2273 for an appointment!
If you have any lasting pain in or around your shoulders you should consult our office. Your examination will possibly include an X-ray study as well as necessary nerve and orthopedic tests. If any nerves coming from your spinal cord (through vertebral openings) have been damaged, the skill and experience of Dr. Cady should be utilized for the correction of the underlying cause which is usually overlooked by other doctors. Dr. Cady can help to relive the pain in your arm and shoulder:
It should thus be quite apparent that shoulder and arm pain may indicate a more serious condition. But whether the problem is related to other parts of the body or not, the pain can become very debilitating, as those who suffer from such problems well know.
Dr. Cady readily understands the problems involved in a painful shoulder or arm condition. He is better qualified to correct these types of conditions than any other kind of doctor. If nerve interference is the basic or contributing cause of your problem, necessary measures will be taken to help correct and heal the condition.
We will first seek to give you immediate relief from pain, but education and experience always cause us to search out the underlying source of your problem and then correct it. This prevents the need for you to take pain pills for relief month in and month out.